Plastic Credits
We’re certified to offer Plastic Credits to help your company improve its sustainability metrics
Learn MorePower your products with recycled materials
Be a part of the change and join ORG in creating sustainable products to keep the circular economy moving.
You know this as polyester; PET is a versatile and lightweight plastic mainly found in packaging for food and drinks, and apparel.

Suits a wide variety of applications including plastic bottles, milk jugs, beauty containers, cutting boards, and piping.

The medical industry has tapped into this plastic, thanks to its durability and strength for use in medical equipment. This also makes it a popular choice in the marine industry.

On the other end of the spectrum, this thin plastic is useful for plastic bags and bottles.

While ORG’s mission is to return plastics into the circular economy, we’d be remiss to forget fiber. Our facilities also handle office paper and corrugated.

Plastic Credits
What is a Plastic Credit?
For each metric ton of plastic waste that we remove from the environment, recycle or send for energy recovery, ORG aims to create intangible assets. We call them “Plastic Credits”.
What are Plastic Credits good for?
You become a contributor to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 (commonly referred to as SDG14), reducing marine pollution and protecting marine and coastal ecosystems. For each Plastic Credit you purchase, ORG guarantees that 1kg of plastic was removed from the environment and recycled or destined to its appropriate end of life.
Plastic Credits allow you to up the ante of your Corporate Social Responsibility.
You become an enabler for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (commonly referred to as SDG11), supporting adequate, safe, and affordable housing and basic services such as waste collection. For each Plastic Credit you purchase, ORG invests in social housing and community-based sports and education program(s).
How does ORG do that?
We’re seizing every opportunity to create value for all our stakeholders, and we do so transparently. Each Plastic Credit transaction secures and maximizes ORG’s Social return on investment (sROI) dedicated to create social value for every $1 invested in the DR.

Let’s make some waves together
We’re committed to draw a line in the sand – starting in the Dominican Republic. Let us reframe uncertainty about our future, into opportunity: Catching plastic waste before it’s entering the waterways and reaching the oceans. Each plastic credit your buy makes this a reality.
Get StartedThe Certification Process
Zero Plastic Oceans (ZPO) is a nonprofit dedicated to addressing plastic pollution issues.
Like ORG, our friends at ZPO were disheartened to see the amount of ocean-bound plastics not making their way to recycling facilities. To encourage companies to widen their scope of plastic recycling, in 2019, ZPO developed certifications for the collection, recycling and neutralization of ocean-bound plastics — ORG has earned all three.

Ocean Recovery Group (ORG) collects ocean-bound plastic for reuse, encouraging companies to join a more sustainable future.
ORG is proudly certified by ZPO and Control Union to sell plastic credits, undergoing meticulous review by both agencies. We are the first U.S. company to have received all three ZPO certifications for the collection, recycling, and neutralization of ocean-bound plastics.
Control Union is a certifying organization with a focus on food, feed, forestry, biomass, bioenergy, social compliance and textiles markets.
With boots on the ground in more than 70 countries, Control Union has a global reach and has tackled the unique issues that arise across industries. They audit the certification process, including ORG’s very own supply chain, which meets ZPO’s rigorous standards.